Thursday, October 20, 2011

Leader Must Be Life a Servant

Jesus' disciples start arguing with each other about who is the greatest after Jesus says one of them would betray Jesus. I can picture the conversation between them, each describing their great acts and devotion to Jesus.  "I'm better because..."  "That's not nearly impressive as my faith..."   And in response, Jesus teaches them once again that the greatest in the Kingdom of God are those who serve.  In the world we live in today there is still a mentality that those who serve are less important than those who do other things.  Custodians, waitresses, sanitation workers, and other jobs of service are easily seen as jobs of least importance.  But in the Kingdom of God, people who serve others are the greatest.  In the church it is easy to praise the pastor, praise band, ministry leaders, board members, etc... but the greatest in the Kingdom are those who serve.  People exalt people who have upfront and important world positions.  Jesus exalts people who serve and care for other people.

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