Monday, January 14, 2013

Day 8 - Learning from Life's Pain

Psalms 119:71 It was good for me to be afflicted
    so that I might learn your decrees.

I don't like pain any more than anyone else.  I always joke with my kids during sporting activities that pain is irrelevant.  It is just nerves sending a message to your brain - ignore the message.  But the reality is sometimes pain feels like an elephant stepping on you more than irrelevant.  

Fasting is a painful experience and it helps us to learn how to trust God.  I have had a new experience with the Daniel fast - stomach cramps.  The kind that kept me in bed for a couple of days.  I finally had to come to the conclusion that my body and the Daniel fast do not agree with each other.  That is hard for me because of my pride.  I once at 12 "Air Head's"  (super sour candy) at one time because someone told me I couldn't.  It was no problem until I realized it fried my taste buds and I couldn't taste anything for 12 hours.  So God is teaching me through this fast that I can't do it because I am prideful, but must learn obedience from God.  Many times God starts us out in one direction and then changes the plan and we have to adjust.  So I am adjusting.  I am learning humility and am reminded of my human limitations.  I am learning that I often judge others because of their inability to follow through, when I don't always know what they are going through.  

Each of us will have our own learning experience with God and our fasting.  God is so good to work in us uniquely for what we need today and what He is longing to teach us. 

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