Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Spiritual Gifts

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 Paul writes in his first letter to the church in Corinth - A spiritual gift is given to each of us so we can help each other.  (1 Corinthians 12:7) Everyone who has the spirit of God living and active in their lives will have some form of a spiritual gift.  It seems obvious when you think of the most powerful force in the universe living inside of us would want to give us some ability that is beyond ourselves.

We all have natural talents and abilities that are also a gift form God!  We have all that we have because of the gift of God.  Life and breath depend on God this very minute.  So we all have talents and abilities that we need to continue to develop and that God can help us develop, but these are different than the gifts the Holy Spirit brings when we allow God to work in us.

Paul list a few examples:  wise counsel, special knowledge, great faith, healing, perform miracles, prophesy, discerning whether something is from God or not, speak and interpret unknown languages.
We can all receive spiritual gifts from God's Holy Spirit!

They are gifts from God and he determines who will have what gift.  God won't be manipulated into giving you a gift you want - you can just seek God and his gifts and then be satisfied with whatever gift you receive,

The gifts are not for our glory, but to build others up!

What is your spiritual gift and how are you using it to build up the body of Christ?

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