Thursday, April 21, 2016

Fulfill Your Purpose

When Paul was speaking to the Jews in Antioch and was trying to convince them that Jesus was the Messiah he used the story of King David as an example and was trying to show that a prophesy about Jesus was not talking about David as many Jews thought.  And he said these words about David: 

"after David had done the will of God in his own generation, he died and was buried with his ancestors, and his body decayed." Acts 13:36

David was a great man who was known as a man who was after the heart of God!  

David did the will of God in his own generation!

After my life here on earth is done, those would be two great ways to be remembered - 1. Dale chased after the heart of God and 2. Dale did the will of the Lord in his generation.  

If those would be our goals - how do we live daily to get to our goals? 

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