Monday, February 22, 2021

Lent 21 - Thirst

One of my great memories from childhood was backpacking in the mountains of Idaho in the summer.  I can remember having to stay home a few summers as my dad and brother made the trip and came back with great stories of their adventures.  Then I was finally old enough to go on my first trip.  It was so amazing and wonderful - and then came the actually hike the first day.  It was not long before my light backpack started to feel like hundreds of pounds on me.  The beautiful summer day that was beaming with life started to feel like a hot Phoenix, AZ summer day.  My cantina full of water was soon empty and I was soon in complain and dying of thirst mode.  Finally my dad reached his limit and pulled me aside and gave me a little scolding that probably had something to do with "I thought you were grown up enough make this trip!"  He picked up a little rock from the ground and put it in my mouth and told me if I sucked in the rock it would keep my mouth from being dry.  I do not know if it was the talk or the rock that motivated me but I kept going and completed the hike.  

I remember that moment of complete thirst and the feeling of despair when my water supply had been drained.  When I hit that point my mind became fixed on getting a drink. The more I thought about it the more I needed a drink. 

Jesus said - God blesses those who hunger and thirst for justice (righteousness), for they will be satisfied. (Matthew 5:6)

God created us and therefore understands our desires and our wants in life.  He also knows that one of the best things for us is to desire justice and righteousness.  To want it bad enough that we hunger and thirst for it.  What is it that you hunger and thirst for today?  What is consuming your energy and your desires? Wealth? Safety? Security? Acceptance? Until we desire the righteousness and justice of God we will never be satisfied.

If Jesus is our King we will start to pursue the desires of His heart and His Kingdom.  We will start to pursue justice and righteousness.  

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