Monday, October 14, 2013

Kingdom Minded

I am always amazed at God's calling for us to be Kingdom of God minded.  Amazed that we have the privilege of being a part of the work that God is doing in the world.  Amazed that or prayers and our works of service impact the work of the Kingdom.  Amazed God doesn't have a "plan b" to transform the world.  

I am amazed how easily we are distracted for the Kingdom work.  How easy it is to focus on things at church that don't have an impact on the Kingdom.  How easy it is to get busy with the details of life and to keep pushing the Kingdom work to the fringe.  How easy it for the enemy to get the church fighting each other instead of praying and encouraging each other.  

The Kingdom of God is like yeast that a woman took and mixed into a large amount of flour until it worked all through the dough. (Jesus - Matthew 13:33)

God's Kingdom can and will work its way through every aspect of our lives, our families, our church, our community, our nation, and our world.  The awesome power of the Holy Spirit of God wants to bring a transformation revival to our hearts so we can help spread the news of the Kingdom throughout the whole world. God will not settle for His Kingdom only touch one part of your life!  God will not settle for His Kingdom to impact part of the world.  

We are praying this month that God would transform Southeast Kansas by the unlimited power of the Holy Spirit.  That God would come against the apathy, addictions, and immorality that seems to keep people bond up in sin and instead people would have a desire to seek God.  

Will you help us pray in faith?  

The Generous Grace of God

Ultimately, the parable of the prodigal son teaches us about "the generosity of God's grace." This kind of grace often challen...