Friday, August 30, 2024

The Generous Grace of God

Ultimately, the parable of the prodigal son teaches us about "the generosity of God's grace." This kind of grace often challenges our ideas of fairness and justice. "Where's the justice?" That's what the older son is asking, right? He's saying, 'Hey, I've done everything right. Where's my reward?'

But God's grace isn't about what we deserve. "A life of serving Jesus is good for you and the kingdom, but we haven't earned or deserved anything we receive from God, and we never will."

So how can we put this lesson into practice?

As we think about this amazing example of God's fatherly love, here are some ways we can apply it to our lives:

  • Remember that God is always waiting for you with open arms, no matter how far you've gone.
  • Show unconditional grace to others, just like God has shown to you.
  • Celebrate when others return to God, instead of judging them for their past mistakes.
  • Be ready to "run" towards those who are making their way back to God.
  • Check your heart for any "older brother" attitudes and ask God to help you see things with more grace.
  • Rest in God’s generous grace, knowing that it’s not about what you’ve earned but about His love for you.

Let's use this parable to change how we understand God's love and how we treat both Him and others. After all, we serve a God of amazing compassion and boundless grace—and that's something to celebrate!

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The Generous Grace of God

Ultimately, the parable of the prodigal son teaches us about "the generosity of God's grace." This kind of grace often challen...