Tuesday, August 27, 2024

The Father Who Anticipates Our Return Home

One of the most powerful parts of the parable of the prodigal son is how the father eagerly waits for his son to return. "God is a God who looks with anticipation and faith for those who are lost to come home." This isn't just a passive wait; it's an active hope that never fades.

The father in the story was watching with anticipation. We don't know how long he had been waiting—the parable doesn't give us those details—but we do know that the father kept an eye on the road, hoping his son would come back. I have heard stories of people who ran away from God for years and years, yet God was always waiting for them to return.

This makes me wonder if I have stopped believing that those who are lost can come back home. So many people have left the church in the United States that it makes you question if they will ever come to their senses and return to God.

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