John 3:16 is an amazing verse of wisdom and insight from the lips of Jesus that reminds us that we are loved by God! We are loved so much that God would give His Son to come to the world and die on a cross so that we could live in a relationship with God here on earth and for eternity! In a world where love is a diluted word that we use for some many things, we need to here what a clear meaning of love is all about.

For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.
Love has an object: God loves the world. Love is broad in its strokes of objects when we like to make it narrow. I love these people who treat me right, agree with my opinions, go to my church and do the right things. Jesus says for us to love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us. (Matthew 5:44)
Love is giving: God loves so much that He gave his one and only Son. I think about how easy it is to stop caring for someone when they stop caring for me and communicating with me. The reality is I must keep giving and caring for people God asks me to love no matter what the response. There are times when God will release us from giving to others, but so often I tell God the reasons why I am stopping to give to this person because of their actions.
Love has its rewards: God offers the amazing reward of a full life and an eternal life with God. Loving others may be difficult at times and we may need to rely on the power of God to love some people, but God says if we live in love we will be rewarded.
Jesus said that the Body of Christ will be known to the world because of our love! (John 3:35) Does the world around you see Jesus in you because of the love that overflows from your life? Love is worthy the price! Love wins!