Monday, May 8, 2017

Steal the Hearts of People

In 2 Samuel 15 we can read that one of the consequences of King David's sin was the rebellion of his son Absalom.  Vs. 13 says a messenger came and told David, "The hears of the men of Israel are with Absalom."

Absalom was able to steal the hearts of the people of Israel through -
1. Hard work - he got up early every morning and went and met with people
2. Deception - he would tell people what they wanted to hear so they would believe that he cared about them when David did not
3. Empowerment - Absalom empowered people to believe he would solve their problems if he was in control.
4. False humility - Absalom would not allow people to bow down to him, but he we reach out to them and honor and kiss them.

Jesus warned his disciples many years later - Matthew 24:4-5 Jesus answered, "Watch out that no one deceives you.  For many will come in my name claiming, "I am the Christ, and will deceive many."  And continues in vs. 24 - For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect - if that were possible.

In our spiritual journey there will be many things that try to steal your heart!  God has created a new spiritual heart within us and the enemy so hates the new life in you, he will do whatever he can to rob you of the joy of the Lord!

I often say that the enemy is not all that creative.  He keeps doing the same things to try and trip us up.  Absalom used deception, half truths, false humility and many of the same old tricks of the enemy.  I was reminded by a friend though that said, the enemy might not be that creative but he is crafty!

Above all else guard your hearts from the enemy that is trying to steal your heart!

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