Who is the person that betrayed you in the most damaging way?
What did it take for you to work through that betrayal and come to a place of forgiveness? or have you?
Jesus was betrayed by two of his disciples. Judas who sold out Jesus for 30 pieces of silver. There has been a lot of speculation about what motivated Judas to betray Jesus, we may never really know. But when I am betrayed I am not too concerned about people's motivations. It doesn't really reduce my pain when I find out why someone betrayed me. I may be curious, but I am still hurting.
Betrayal is always the most painful when it is someone you trusted or someone who is close to you. Judas was one of the twelve men that Jesus invested his life into and who called himself a disciple. Peter was even closer to Jesus. Peter was one of the three who spent extra time with Jesus along with John and James.
Judas and Peter give us two different ways to handle our own betrayal of Jesus or other people. We can either allow it to destroy our lives like Judas, or we can confess and ask for forgiveness. Both men felt terrible after their betrayal, but Judas was unwilling or unable to deal with his feelings. Judas sadly ended his life and is remembered only for his failure. How many kids do you know named Judas. Peter stuck it out and was amazed to find that Jesus restored Peter and gave him another chance. We cannot allow betrayal to consume our lives and never allow God's grace to cover our sins. We cannot ignore our betrayal and hope it goes away.
Bring the pain of your own betrayal to God. Bring the pain of being betrayed to God and allow His grace to help us overcome!
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Holy Week - Wednesday
Luke 22:27 Who is
more important, the one who sits at the table or the one who serves? The
one who sits at the table, of course. But not here! For I am among you
as one who serves.
As Jesus makes the disciples aware that one of them will betray Jesus, the disciples end up in a conversation about which one of them is the greatest. How often do we miss the point? You would think they would have tried to find the one who would betray and try and stop it. But instead they end up talking about why it wouldn't be them. Jesus, of course, used their distraction as an opportunity to teach a valuable lesson about the Kingdom of God.
The Kingdom of God operates quite differently than the worlds kingdoms. If you have power and authority in the world, most people will use that power for their own purposes and enjoyment. I have been in a position of authority and there is always a temptation to use the authority for your own good over the good of others. There is the temptation to allow the authority to make you feel like you are more important than other people because of your position of authority.
Jesus reminds us to think differently! In the Kingdom of God the ultimate is to serve and not to be served. We can become great to God by serving God and others. Jesus set the example by washing the disciples' feet, by laying down his life on the cross, and by laying down his divinity by coming to earth. We need to trust and follow Jesus' example. Living with a Kingdom mindset is not normal in our world, but will make us honored in the Kingdom of God!
As Jesus makes the disciples aware that one of them will betray Jesus, the disciples end up in a conversation about which one of them is the greatest. How often do we miss the point? You would think they would have tried to find the one who would betray and try and stop it. But instead they end up talking about why it wouldn't be them. Jesus, of course, used their distraction as an opportunity to teach a valuable lesson about the Kingdom of God.
The Kingdom of God operates quite differently than the worlds kingdoms. If you have power and authority in the world, most people will use that power for their own purposes and enjoyment. I have been in a position of authority and there is always a temptation to use the authority for your own good over the good of others. There is the temptation to allow the authority to make you feel like you are more important than other people because of your position of authority.
Jesus reminds us to think differently! In the Kingdom of God the ultimate is to serve and not to be served. We can become great to God by serving God and others. Jesus set the example by washing the disciples' feet, by laying down his life on the cross, and by laying down his divinity by coming to earth. We need to trust and follow Jesus' example. Living with a Kingdom mindset is not normal in our world, but will make us honored in the Kingdom of God!
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Holy Week - Tuesday
Luke 21:37 Each day Jesus was teaching at the temple, and each evening he went out to spend the night on the hill called the Mount of Olives.
Jesus spent his evenings in the garden praying. He found a place of peace and quiet. He found a place of beauty and comfort. He prayed. I am looking forward to Spring actually arriving - not the date on the calendar - but the actual days where we can get outside and spend some time out of the house, office, buildings, etc. I know I could put on warm clothes and spend time outside, but I don't seem to do it and it doesn't seem as enjoyable as warm weather. Maybe my days living in the Phoenix, Arizona area have spoiled me.
I have found a garden for myself. A place to go to and to pray. To leave the distraction of the day behind and to focus on God. I can remember a time when I would have been bored after 10 minutes. Now I find I can spend hours and wish for more time.
Jesus worked hard at teaching and being with people; and He realized that meant he would need some time to recharge and be with His heavenly Father. When our physical bodies are run down and we have spent all our energy, we realize we need sleep. We need to be more aware of our spiritual battery and make sure we spend time in the garden to recharge!
Where is your garden of spiritual rest?
Jesus spent his evenings in the garden praying. He found a place of peace and quiet. He found a place of beauty and comfort. He prayed. I am looking forward to Spring actually arriving - not the date on the calendar - but the actual days where we can get outside and spend some time out of the house, office, buildings, etc. I know I could put on warm clothes and spend time outside, but I don't seem to do it and it doesn't seem as enjoyable as warm weather. Maybe my days living in the Phoenix, Arizona area have spoiled me.
I have found a garden for myself. A place to go to and to pray. To leave the distraction of the day behind and to focus on God. I can remember a time when I would have been bored after 10 minutes. Now I find I can spend hours and wish for more time.
Jesus worked hard at teaching and being with people; and He realized that meant he would need some time to recharge and be with His heavenly Father. When our physical bodies are run down and we have spent all our energy, we realize we need sleep. We need to be more aware of our spiritual battery and make sure we spend time in the garden to recharge!
Where is your garden of spiritual rest?
Monday, March 25, 2013
Holy Week - Monday
Jesus was being tested and questions by the teachers of the law and the chief priest of Jerusalem. They even sent spies to hang out with Jesus and ask him tough questions. "Who gave you this authority?" "Is it right to pay taxes to Caesar or not?" "Now at the resurrection whose wife will she be, since seven were married to her?" (Luke 20)
At every answer that Jesus gave his testers where either confused, "We don't know where it was from."
Or they were angry and wanted Jesus arrested.
Or they were astonished and became silent.
Or they agreed with Jesus and dared not ask him any more questions.
What are the difficult questions you have asked Jesus in your life? Why did you allow this tragedy? Why did this person have to die? Why do some people have to face cancer? Why did my parents have to get a divorce? Why did I loose all my money in what looked like a good investment? Why do all my friends seem to let me down? Jesus, are you there?
I have found when I ask Jesus the difficult questions of life, He is willing to answer! I might not receive all the answers I want to hear, but I always receive answers that astonish me and cause me to be silent before the Lord. I receive answers from Jesus that give me an insight into God's perspective and I see things more clearly than I did before. Jesus has the amazing ability to answer our deepest questions and to give us peace. Usually my biggest issue is - am I willing to stop and listen to Jesus' answer to my difficult questions.
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Warnings to the Religious
In Luke 11:39-52 - Jesus gives some strong warnings to the religious leaders of his day.
Warning #1 - don't clean up the outward life and neglect the inward life. When we focus too much on the religious activities of the Christian faith we have this same temptation to clean up the outward part of our lives. We have to look good when we come to church. We have to act right during the week so church people will still talk to us and think we are good people. We have to put on a front that everything in our family and in our personal life is going great so people will think we have it all together. It is easy to do all these things and neglect the reality that God's first priority in our heart. There is nothing wrong with living a good and godly life on the outside as long as it flows from a heart that is being transformed by God on a regular basis. But what often happens is we just get good at hiding our messy lives and so there is never true confession and transformation.
Warning #2 - it is easy to give to God out of your abundance and never know the heart of God in generosity. The heart of God is to be generous to people in need and to use our financial blessings to fight the injustice of the world around us. There is nothing wrong about giving to God's work in the church, but that can't be the only thing we do with our many blessings from God. God has blessed us with time, energy, talents, spiritual gifts and money to help make a difference in the world. Don't assume if you give a portion to the church that you have found the heart of God and that is all God desires you to do.
Warning #3 - watch out that religion does not become your platform for attention. I had a conversation with a community member just yesterday and he was complimenting me and giving me credit for the work that God has done at Living Faith. Man, did that feel good! But I have to be careful, and heed the warning from Jesus that church is not my platform to become an important member of the community. I have to give glory to God for all He has done, and not take personal pride in all God is doing!
Warning #4 - don't become an unmarked grave that people don't even notice is there. Religious activity without the power of the Holy Spirit will lead us to a place of zero impact on the world and the culture. Zero impact on our friends and neighbors. Our lives won't have purpose and meaning if all we have is religious activity. Life is found in the Holy Spirit alive and active in our religious activity.
May your connection with Jesus be more like falling in love and less like following a set of religious activities!
Warning #1 - don't clean up the outward life and neglect the inward life. When we focus too much on the religious activities of the Christian faith we have this same temptation to clean up the outward part of our lives. We have to look good when we come to church. We have to act right during the week so church people will still talk to us and think we are good people. We have to put on a front that everything in our family and in our personal life is going great so people will think we have it all together. It is easy to do all these things and neglect the reality that God's first priority in our heart. There is nothing wrong with living a good and godly life on the outside as long as it flows from a heart that is being transformed by God on a regular basis. But what often happens is we just get good at hiding our messy lives and so there is never true confession and transformation.
Warning #2 - it is easy to give to God out of your abundance and never know the heart of God in generosity. The heart of God is to be generous to people in need and to use our financial blessings to fight the injustice of the world around us. There is nothing wrong about giving to God's work in the church, but that can't be the only thing we do with our many blessings from God. God has blessed us with time, energy, talents, spiritual gifts and money to help make a difference in the world. Don't assume if you give a portion to the church that you have found the heart of God and that is all God desires you to do.
Warning #3 - watch out that religion does not become your platform for attention. I had a conversation with a community member just yesterday and he was complimenting me and giving me credit for the work that God has done at Living Faith. Man, did that feel good! But I have to be careful, and heed the warning from Jesus that church is not my platform to become an important member of the community. I have to give glory to God for all He has done, and not take personal pride in all God is doing!
Warning #4 - don't become an unmarked grave that people don't even notice is there. Religious activity without the power of the Holy Spirit will lead us to a place of zero impact on the world and the culture. Zero impact on our friends and neighbors. Our lives won't have purpose and meaning if all we have is religious activity. Life is found in the Holy Spirit alive and active in our religious activity.
May your connection with Jesus be more like falling in love and less like following a set of religious activities!
Friday, March 8, 2013
Filled with Joy!
Luke 10:21 - At that same time Jesus was filled with the joy of the Holy Spirit...
Jesus had just sent 72 disciples out to the cities ahead of him and they came back rejoicing and sharing their stories of God's amazing work in their lives. Jesus teaches them a short lesson on priorities - it is better to be in a great place with God than to do great works for God. Then it says Jesus was filled with the joy of the Holy Spirit.
That phrase just made my heart jump today! Jesus was so proud of these disciples and the work that the Holy Spirit was doing in their lives - maybe He received a glimpse of the coming days and the amazing work of the Holy Spirit and the beginning of the church. Maybe He got a glimpse of you today, allowing God's Spirit to use you to be a part of the Kingdom of God today! Whatever God revealed to Jesus it made His heart full of joy! When we connect with the Holy Spirit of God - He can also fill our hearts with joy!
Maybe the key is in that same lesson of priorities - if we are more focused on being in a place of communion and connection with God than being in a place of doing for God - we will be more likely to receive the Joy of the Holy Spirit. God seems to always prioritize being over doing. Doing is essential. Jesus said pick up your cross and follow me! Faith without action is dead. But doing without being is also worthless. Doing must flow naturally from being in Christ.
I hope today your communion and connection with the Holy Spirit allow you to be filled with JOY!
Jesus had just sent 72 disciples out to the cities ahead of him and they came back rejoicing and sharing their stories of God's amazing work in their lives. Jesus teaches them a short lesson on priorities - it is better to be in a great place with God than to do great works for God. Then it says Jesus was filled with the joy of the Holy Spirit.
That phrase just made my heart jump today! Jesus was so proud of these disciples and the work that the Holy Spirit was doing in their lives - maybe He received a glimpse of the coming days and the amazing work of the Holy Spirit and the beginning of the church. Maybe He got a glimpse of you today, allowing God's Spirit to use you to be a part of the Kingdom of God today! Whatever God revealed to Jesus it made His heart full of joy! When we connect with the Holy Spirit of God - He can also fill our hearts with joy!
Maybe the key is in that same lesson of priorities - if we are more focused on being in a place of communion and connection with God than being in a place of doing for God - we will be more likely to receive the Joy of the Holy Spirit. God seems to always prioritize being over doing. Doing is essential. Jesus said pick up your cross and follow me! Faith without action is dead. But doing without being is also worthless. Doing must flow naturally from being in Christ.
I hope today your communion and connection with the Holy Spirit allow you to be filled with JOY!
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