Funny Stones to Tickle Your Funny Bone - June Shaputis
On an Auctioneers Stone - Born 1828 - Going - Going - Gone - 1876
On John Yeast Stone - Here Lies John Yeast - Pardon me for not rising
Sacred to the Memory of Major James Brush - Royal Artillery - who was killed by accidental discharge of a pistol by his orderly - 14th April 1831 - Well done, good and faithful servant (think about it)
Ann Mann - Here lies Ann Mann - who lived an Old Maid and died an Old Mann
Coal Miner Stone - Gone Underground for Good
Lawyer in England - Sir John Strange - Here Lies an Honest Lawyer - And that is Strange
Lawyers Stone - John E Goenbel 1867 - 1946 The Defense Rest
A Painters Stone - A Finished Artist
After reading Acts 5 today I thought you might need a little humor!
Pastor Dale
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Monday, October 24, 2011
The result of the Holy Spirit coming on a group of people in Jerusalem on Pentecost was that they became devoted to the apostle's teachings, fellowship, sharing meals together, the Lord's Supper and prayer. (Acts 2:42) These are the natural results of having an authentic encounter and infilling of the Holy Spirit of God. You want to study God's word and find out more about this amazing God who has empowered you with His presence. You want to be with people who have also experienced God in the same way and talk about it and process this reality. You want to continue to connect with Jesus through communion and keep your focus on the reality that this is all possible because of Jesus death and resurrection. And you want to pray and continue to connect with God. What a beautiful picture of the empowering presence of God in our lives. If you can't look back on the day when you felt a desire to devote your life to these things, maybe you need to go back to your own upper room and pray until the Spirit comes with power. If you have lost your desire for these things over the year, the good news is the Spirit loves to come again and again to renew us and strengthen us!
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Leader Must Be Life a Servant
Jesus' disciples start arguing with each other about who is the greatest after Jesus says one of them would betray Jesus. I can picture the conversation between them, each describing their great acts and devotion to Jesus. "I'm better because..." "That's not nearly impressive as my faith..." And in response, Jesus teaches them once again that the greatest in the Kingdom of God are those who serve. In the world we live in today there is still a mentality that those who serve are less important than those who do other things. Custodians, waitresses, sanitation workers, and other jobs of service are easily seen as jobs of least importance. But in the Kingdom of God, people who serve others are the greatest. In the church it is easy to praise the pastor, praise band, ministry leaders, board members, etc... but the greatest in the Kingdom are those who serve. People exalt people who have upfront and important world positions. Jesus exalts people who serve and care for other people.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Jesus continually left his accusers speechless. In Luke 20 we read the accounts of the rulers in Jerusalem trying to question Jesus about his authority and then trying to trick him by getting into political and religious hot topics. Jesus response to them questioning his authority to clear the temple of the money changers, was simply to ask them about the authority of John the Baptist. Isn't that just like God to answer a question with another question. Just when I think I have a great question for God, He simply asks me back a question that puts things into the right perspective. Then when they try to trick Jesus by trying to drag him into the political or religious debates of the day. Jesus answers in such amazing ways that the debate is over. They had nothing to say in response to Jesus.
Jesus often leaves me speechless. In awe of how completely amazing God is! Hopefully at those times I am more willing to listen to God instead of continuing to talk.
Jesus often leaves me speechless. In awe of how completely amazing God is! Hopefully at those times I am more willing to listen to God instead of continuing to talk.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Jesus tells three parables about being "Lost":
In the first parable is the lost sheep. Now a sheep not the most intelligent of animals and most likely if it gets lost it is lost because it gets caught or trapped.
The second parable is the lost coin. Now a coin does not get lost on its own either. It is lost completely at the hand of a person losing the coin.
The third parable is a lost son. Now a son gets lost on his own. He chooses for himself to leave the father and set our on his own.
Jesus teaches us that all the people of the world can be lost for various reasons. Some people are lost because the world as entangled them and deceived them. They are lost because of foolish choices and decisions. Some people are lost with no choice or reason of their own, but simply because they have never heard or seen the light of Jesus. And some people are lost because they have chosen on there own to turn away from God and go the other way.
When anyone who is lost - gets found - there is a celebration!
Remember when you deal with people who are lost from a God who loves them - that they may be lost for different reasons. This may impact how we approach allowing God to use us to help them to move from being lost to celebrating with Jesus.
In the first parable is the lost sheep. Now a sheep not the most intelligent of animals and most likely if it gets lost it is lost because it gets caught or trapped.
The second parable is the lost coin. Now a coin does not get lost on its own either. It is lost completely at the hand of a person losing the coin.
The third parable is a lost son. Now a son gets lost on his own. He chooses for himself to leave the father and set our on his own.
Jesus teaches us that all the people of the world can be lost for various reasons. Some people are lost because the world as entangled them and deceived them. They are lost because of foolish choices and decisions. Some people are lost with no choice or reason of their own, but simply because they have never heard or seen the light of Jesus. And some people are lost because they have chosen on there own to turn away from God and go the other way.
When anyone who is lost - gets found - there is a celebration!
Remember when you deal with people who are lost from a God who loves them - that they may be lost for different reasons. This may impact how we approach allowing God to use us to help them to move from being lost to celebrating with Jesus.
Monday, October 10, 2011
What are you worth?
There have definitely been times in my life when I believed I was something special. I was full of pride and I knew I was gifted, talented, and heading towards greatness. There have been other days when I have wondered if it was even worth it to keeping on living. I felt useless, untalented, and headed towards complete failure. It is amazing we can feel those type of extreme emotions about ourselves and our worth. God longs for us to have a balanced perspective of ourselves and our worth. Child of the King and sinner in need of God's grace. When I get down upon myself and focus too much on my faults and failures - I need to read verses like Luke 12:6-7 Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God. Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.
I am valued by God. He knows me and still loves me! Amazing
I am valued by God. He knows me and still loves me! Amazing
Friday, October 7, 2011
We use to hike in the Rocky mountains as a kid/teen and I remember looking ahead at the top of a ridge that we had to walk over. I soon learned that to get over that ridge the trail would take many switchbacks. Back and forth up the side of the mountain: gradually getting you to the top of the ridge. I use to think, these silly switch backs are such a waste of time. This hike would be so much shorter if we just had a trail that went straight up the mountain ridge. I couldn't see the value of a switchback.
Went to a cross country meet yesterday and the course had a number of switchbacks. It was great for the crowd because we could watch a lot of the race without having to run/walk very far for ourselves. Not sure the runners could see that value, but for me it made life easy.
Another day at work, another meeting, another event with responsibilities... life just seems to go on and on. A continued road of switchbacks up the mountain of life. Can you see God working in the routine of life, or only in the spectacular? Is there a purpose for everyday living or are we just going through the grind of everyday to find the weekend?
Went to a cross country meet yesterday and the course had a number of switchbacks. It was great for the crowd because we could watch a lot of the race without having to run/walk very far for ourselves. Not sure the runners could see that value, but for me it made life easy.
Another day at work, another meeting, another event with responsibilities... life just seems to go on and on. A continued road of switchbacks up the mountain of life. Can you see God working in the routine of life, or only in the spectacular? Is there a purpose for everyday living or are we just going through the grind of everyday to find the weekend?
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Jesus warns his audience in Luke 7:24-26 - "woe to you" Watch out! You are warned now that you may not have God's blessing in your life if you are:
1. Rich
2. Well fed
3. Laugh now
4. If all men speak well of you
I am rich, well fed, I laugh a lot, and most people speak well of me. Not all, I know. But even at that I want all people to speak well of me. It is a goal. But Jesus turns all that upside down and says that the things I strive for are all things to be warned against. So what is our response to this warning? Will we simply explain it away or ignore it because it doesn't fit in our paradigm?
Some of my heart response to Jesus' warnings:
I need to see I am rich and blessed and I must learn to be more generous!
I need to realize I am well fed and I need to fast.
I need to not laugh at the things that break the heart of God.
I need to be willing to stand up for injustice even if people don't like it.
1. Rich
2. Well fed
3. Laugh now
4. If all men speak well of you
I am rich, well fed, I laugh a lot, and most people speak well of me. Not all, I know. But even at that I want all people to speak well of me. It is a goal. But Jesus turns all that upside down and says that the things I strive for are all things to be warned against. So what is our response to this warning? Will we simply explain it away or ignore it because it doesn't fit in our paradigm?
Some of my heart response to Jesus' warnings:
I need to see I am rich and blessed and I must learn to be more generous!
I need to realize I am well fed and I need to fast.
I need to not laugh at the things that break the heart of God.
I need to be willing to stand up for injustice even if people don't like it.
Monday, October 3, 2011
Don't Look Back
Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead. Philippians 3:13
Growing up, my brother had an huge influence on my musical taste. One of his favorite bands, and therefore one of mine was the group Boston. One of their most positive songs was "Don't Look Back". What good advice from Paul and Boston, for us to keep looking forward! Keep looking at what God is going to do in our future. To keep our eyes on the goal of knowing Christ today more completely. To keep our eyes on the goal of spending today and the rest of our days in Christ! Can you see the new day dawning? Can you see the road beyond?
I finally see the dawn arrivin'
I see beyond the road I'm drivin'
It's a bright horizon but I'm awakin'
Oh I see myself in a brand new way
The sun is shinin'
The clouds are breakin'
'Cause I can't lose now, there's no game to play
Don't look back
A new day is breakin'
It's been too long since I felt this way
I don't mind where I get taken
The road is callin'
Today is the day
Growing up, my brother had an huge influence on my musical taste. One of his favorite bands, and therefore one of mine was the group Boston. One of their most positive songs was "Don't Look Back". What good advice from Paul and Boston, for us to keep looking forward! Keep looking at what God is going to do in our future. To keep our eyes on the goal of knowing Christ today more completely. To keep our eyes on the goal of spending today and the rest of our days in Christ! Can you see the new day dawning? Can you see the road beyond?
I finally see the dawn arrivin'
I see beyond the road I'm drivin'
It's a bright horizon but I'm awakin'
Oh I see myself in a brand new way
The sun is shinin'
The clouds are breakin'
'Cause I can't lose now, there's no game to play
Don't look back
A new day is breakin'
It's been too long since I felt this way
I don't mind where I get taken
The road is callin'
Today is the day
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The Generous Grace of God
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