Jesus said during the sermon on the mount: (Matthew 5:6) Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.
I often wonder why I have days when I can't wait to spend time with God and then there are days when it seems like it is work to spend time with God? Why is my hunger level for God sometime really high and sometimes not so high? I use to worry about it and want to always be on that mountain top! Trying to do more and more to get the feeling I was wanting from God. But I think I am learning that God is always there even when I don't feel like spending time with Him. He is always communicating with me, even when I am not listening. He is always consistent even when it feels like He is a million miles away. I believe sometimes when God feels distant He is trying to help me develop more of a hunger for Him and His presence in my life!
I want to encourage you to spend some time this month fasting and praying that God would help you to STAY HUNGRY for God's Holy Presence in your life. Fasting is such a great way to stay HUNGRY spiritually.
The Daniel Fast is a great way to get started fasting. It is healthy both physically and spiritually. The basic idea is to eat fruits, vegetables and drink water for a period of time. This change of habit will make you keenly aware of God's presence and voice in your life.
Stay Hungry,
Pastor Dale
Monday, December 31, 2012
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Look at the Heart
This Christmas season it is hard not to think of how families of recent violence will be able to celebrate Christ coming to the world, when their lives have been so impacted by violence. Talk about God must bring very mixed emotions in these days.
It seems like the talk has turned toward gun control very quickly. Honestly, I don't have a lot of use for guns personally. I believe this is not where Christians should be focusing our attention. It is political and you will definitely find people's opinions when you talk about it, but it misses the point. The problem is not gun control, but rather the hearts of people. Paul described people with heart issues this way: Romans 1:28-31 Since they thought it foolish to acknowledge God, he abandoned them to their foolish thinking and let them do things that should never be done. Their lives became full of every kind of wickedness, sin, greed, hate, envy, murder, quarreling, deception, malicious behavior, and gossip. 30 They are backstabbers, haters of God, insolent, proud, and boastful. They invent new ways of sinning, and they disobey their parents. They refuse to understand, break their promises, are heartless, and have no mercy.
Similarly, I believe the talk about our nation leaving God out of our culture is not the issue we need to talk about. God tried to develop a Godly nation out of Israel and we can read about that in the Old Testament. Now God is developing a spiritual Kingdom called the Body of Christ. We don't need the United State of America to be a Christian Nation, we need the Body of Christ to rise up and be the influence on the world that makes a difference. Want to change the world? Change your heart by following Christ completely!
It seems like the talk has turned toward gun control very quickly. Honestly, I don't have a lot of use for guns personally. I believe this is not where Christians should be focusing our attention. It is political and you will definitely find people's opinions when you talk about it, but it misses the point. The problem is not gun control, but rather the hearts of people. Paul described people with heart issues this way: Romans 1:28-31 Since they thought it foolish to acknowledge God, he abandoned them to their foolish thinking and let them do things that should never be done. Their lives became full of every kind of wickedness, sin, greed, hate, envy, murder, quarreling, deception, malicious behavior, and gossip. 30 They are backstabbers, haters of God, insolent, proud, and boastful. They invent new ways of sinning, and they disobey their parents. They refuse to understand, break their promises, are heartless, and have no mercy.
Similarly, I believe the talk about our nation leaving God out of our culture is not the issue we need to talk about. God tried to develop a Godly nation out of Israel and we can read about that in the Old Testament. Now God is developing a spiritual Kingdom called the Body of Christ. We don't need the United State of America to be a Christian Nation, we need the Body of Christ to rise up and be the influence on the world that makes a difference. Want to change the world? Change your heart by following Christ completely!
Monday, December 10, 2012
Dreams and Visions
God is trying to restore in me and belief in His ability to communicate to me and others through dreams and visions. I think I have thought that vision and dreams where so illogical, I just didn't have a place to put them in my well designed and organized theology. There was just too much room for false information and false interpretation.
But the reality is that the Christmas story is so reliant on Joseph's dream and realization that he must keep going with his relationship with Mary. God communicated with Joseph something that was so illogical and so against the normal way of thinking. And the Matthew records that Joseph got up and was obedient to what he was told in his dream.
The reality is that Christmas and God are full of mystery! You can't just logically explain the incarnation. No matter what words you use and how detailed the explanation that Jesus was fully God and fully man; it is still a mystery!
I wonder sometimes how much of God's communication I miss because I fail to take into account my dreams and the reality that God may be trying to communicate with me through them.
But the reality is that the Christmas story is so reliant on Joseph's dream and realization that he must keep going with his relationship with Mary. God communicated with Joseph something that was so illogical and so against the normal way of thinking. And the Matthew records that Joseph got up and was obedient to what he was told in his dream.
The reality is that Christmas and God are full of mystery! You can't just logically explain the incarnation. No matter what words you use and how detailed the explanation that Jesus was fully God and fully man; it is still a mystery!
I wonder sometimes how much of God's communication I miss because I fail to take into account my dreams and the reality that God may be trying to communicate with me through them.
Monday, November 12, 2012
No Tolerance for Gossip
Proverbs 26:20 Fire goes out without wood,
and quarrels disappear when gossip stops.
and quarrels disappear when gossip stops.
I heard Dave Ramsey talk about leadership last week and he said that one "Unity Killer" in every organization was gossip. So he works hard to develop a no tolerance for gossip mentality at his organization. He is willing and often has to fire people because of gossip.
Proverbs reminds us of the wisdom of this reality in that when we can take away gossip from an organization we will reduce quarrels. Argument and disagreements are so many times caused by gossip.
What does gossip look like in the church? Telling someone that they really need to pray about someone and sharing a request that you didn't have the right to share. We all believe in the power of prayer, but hopefully we can learn to do a better job of not sharing private information in the name of prayer.
Complaining to the wrong person: how often when we have an issue with something at church we start complaining, but we start complaining to the wrong person. Can you believe what the teacher said today in our small group? One of the most frustrating things about being a pastor today is that so few people are actually willing to come and sit down and talk to me if there is an issue with me. I always seem to hear it from someone else. Sometimes our desire to be in the "KNOW" causes us to cultivate gossip instead of fight against it.
We need to all work diligently at making the church a place of no tolerance for gossip. Practice saying things like, "I'm glad you trust in me enough to share this, but you really need to talk to ______________." "You know, we just don't talk like that here!"
Monday, October 1, 2012
Reason #15
I left the church because one day, they put
signs out in the church lawn that said “Marriage = 1 Man + 1 Woman: Vote Yes on
Prop 1,” and I knew the moment I saw them that I never wanted to come
Jesus had an incredible way of dealing with people so that he communicated that he loved and cared for people - then he dealt with the sin issues of their lives. Jesus was only harsh with the religious leaders of the day who claimed to know God. Everyone else Jesus healed, fed, loved and cared for before he confronted their sin. He was not afraid to say, "Now go and sin no more!" Jesus loved people too much to not let them know God had a better plan for their lives then to continue to live in their sinful ways.
I believe the churches problem with trying to change our culture by political action is that we put the confrontation in front of the love and compassion. It is difficult to propose a law that promotes Biblical principles on marriage without it communicating to a group of people that we don't value you or care about you. I believe this is just a short cut mentality. God calls us to invest in people in need that live and work around us. When we do this we will find people in need of friendship and love. As we meet the needs of people around us, God will open opportunities for us to speak truth in a loving way to people - when they are ready to hear! Now that is hard work. It may take us years to develop a trusting relationship and then it may take a few more years before that person is ready to hear. We have to not only invest in people on a consistent basis, but then we must be willing to wait until the Holy Spirit tells us to speak. No wonder we would just rather try and pass a law that communicates God's truth.
Follow Jesus' example! Don't get caught up in the political shortcuts! Do the hard things! God will help us and reward our efforts! It is God's Kingdom that should be our priority and therefore we need to do things God's way!
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Reason #9
I left the church because I felt like I was the only one troubled
by stories of violence and misogyny and genocide found in the Bible, and I was
tired of people telling me not to worry about it because “God’s ways are higher
than our ways.”
The Bible is such an important faith issue in our journey with Jesus. It is full of wonder, mystery, conflict and troubling stories. It is no wonder that for some it is easier to just be selective about what parts of the Bible they want to accept and which parts they can just ignore.
We have to avoid simple answers to complicated questions. There are no simple answers to why God would ask the Jewish people to destroy and kill the women, children, and animals of a city they were fighting against. There are some complicated explanations that in the end may not satisfy the heart, but at least they show that we care enough to think through our faith instead of just accepting without processing the deeper questions. Life is complicated and messy. The Bible is complicated and messy. Our spiritual journey with God is complicated and messy! The good thing about this coming generation of young people - they can handle things being unresolved much better than being simplified.
We have to quit ignoring the questions and hoping they will go away. People are hungry for God or at least hungry for something beyond themselves. The church must step up to the conversation with people in a loving and compassionate way. Figure out how to be people of conversation instead of lecture. Figure out how to listen to the questions that are being asked so we can join in the dialogue that will point people to the love of Jesus.
We must still hold on to the truth of the Good News of Jesus! In the same breath, we must be able to come down from our holy mountain and make the Good News flesh. Just like Jesus did.
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Reason #8
I left the church because it was often assumed that everyone in the congregation voted for Republicans.
(15 Reason I Left the Church - Rachel Held Evans)
I have to confess - back in the late 1980's while I was working as a locksmith - I listened to Rush Limbaugh on a regular basis. I could say that the locksmith van only had a "AM" radio and it was the only station I could pick up, but the reality is I enjoyed it. I have never really had a great desire to be involved in politics, but I guess I was a Republican for a few years. I think it all changed for me when a particular president and congress were both in power and from the republican party and I like many other Christians thought - "Okay, now things might really change." I really had put my hope in the political system of the Republican party, only to hit the wall of reality. Nothing really changed like I thought I was promised it would. God really spoke to me about the reality that I must put my hope and trust in Christ alone, not a political party.
I believe it is a good thing to have Christian politicians in office.
I believe we are called to pray for every authority!
I believe many people will always have strong political views and opinions and be a part of the church.
I believe there is hope for the United States of American, but I no longer believe our hope will be in our political system. Spiritual renewal and revival starting with the youth of the Body of Christ is our only hope.
I believe it is in the best interest for the church to keep our political opinions at home! The Bible reminds us to avoid pointless and divisive arguments. We surely have better things to talk about as the Body of Christ than to talk about politics.
Paul reminded Timothy and us that "our hope is in the living God.." (1 Timothy 4:10)
(15 Reason I Left the Church - Rachel Held Evans)
I have to confess - back in the late 1980's while I was working as a locksmith - I listened to Rush Limbaugh on a regular basis. I could say that the locksmith van only had a "AM" radio and it was the only station I could pick up, but the reality is I enjoyed it. I have never really had a great desire to be involved in politics, but I guess I was a Republican for a few years. I think it all changed for me when a particular president and congress were both in power and from the republican party and I like many other Christians thought - "Okay, now things might really change." I really had put my hope in the political system of the Republican party, only to hit the wall of reality. Nothing really changed like I thought I was promised it would. God really spoke to me about the reality that I must put my hope and trust in Christ alone, not a political party.
I believe it is a good thing to have Christian politicians in office.
I believe we are called to pray for every authority!
I believe many people will always have strong political views and opinions and be a part of the church.
I believe there is hope for the United States of American, but I no longer believe our hope will be in our political system. Spiritual renewal and revival starting with the youth of the Body of Christ is our only hope.
I believe it is in the best interest for the church to keep our political opinions at home! The Bible reminds us to avoid pointless and divisive arguments. We surely have better things to talk about as the Body of Christ than to talk about politics.
Paul reminded Timothy and us that "our hope is in the living God.." (1 Timothy 4:10)
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Reason #7
7. I left the
church because I didn’t want to be anyone’s “project.” (Rachel Held Evans)
I began to listen to Coldplay when I heard the song - Fix You. Sure it is a great song for many reasons, but what a great message for life. How many times has it been my desire to fix what broken in my family, friends and even in my own life. What a natural desire for us to want to be someone who could fix someone else.
Followers of Christ have a huge temptation in this area. Jesus has so helped transform our hearts and lives that it is natural for us to want that for other people. But the problem comes when we forget that it is God who is the one and only mediator between God and people. (1 Timothy 2) God is the healer! God is the one who can fix the broken heart! I may at time get to play a small role in God's plan to heal and or fix things, but it is only because the Holy Spirit of God lives in me.
Followers of Jesus must invest their lives in other people. It is our calling! It is our purpose! But we must realize that people are not our projects, they are God's projects. We are called to love people and be an example of God's incredible grace and mercy. I believe this shows up most if we are unwilling to continue down a path of friendship with someone who does not follow Jesus. If you invest in someone because of the love of God is calling you, then you will continue to love them even if they never come to your church or never get any closer to God. If they are your project, you will get frustrated with their lack of progress and you will quit investing in them. If they are your project you will somehow try and take credit if God does transform their hearts and lives.
We are called to love like Jesus - learning to love others unconditionally.
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Reason #6
I left the church because sometimes I doubt, and church can be the worst place to doubt.
Rachel Held Evans
The church should be the best place to doubt and to bring your doubts to fellow doubters who either do doubt or did process through some doubt at some point in their journey. But the reality is we have created a climate in the church that says you should never doubt. Never bring honest and open feelings up even in a small group setting. If you do, people look at you funny. They might snicker or laugh. Somehow we are effective in communicating if you have serious doubts take them somewhere else.
I believe that people in the church have convinced themselves that doubting is evil and wrong. Don't be like Thomas and doubt. Thomas doubted that Jesus was resurrected from the dead and he refused to believe until he saw Jesus and felt his scars. And there is a place where doubt will hinder our faith, but there is also a place where the Spirit of the Lord can help us transform our doubts into faith. This may never happen if we don't have a place to acknowledge and deal honestly with our doubts.
Sometimes our spiritual pride has kept us from dealing with our own deep down doubts about God and the meaning of life. God longs for us to humble ourselves and to get so close to a group of fellow believers that we are willing to deal with these doubts. But if we would rather keep up our spititual reputation and false image, we will never deal with our own doubt and we can never help others deal with their doubts.
Embrace your questions and doubts! Take them to God and to a few trusted friends!
Rachel Held Evans
The church should be the best place to doubt and to bring your doubts to fellow doubters who either do doubt or did process through some doubt at some point in their journey. But the reality is we have created a climate in the church that says you should never doubt. Never bring honest and open feelings up even in a small group setting. If you do, people look at you funny. They might snicker or laugh. Somehow we are effective in communicating if you have serious doubts take them somewhere else.
I believe that people in the church have convinced themselves that doubting is evil and wrong. Don't be like Thomas and doubt. Thomas doubted that Jesus was resurrected from the dead and he refused to believe until he saw Jesus and felt his scars. And there is a place where doubt will hinder our faith, but there is also a place where the Spirit of the Lord can help us transform our doubts into faith. This may never happen if we don't have a place to acknowledge and deal honestly with our doubts.
Sometimes our spiritual pride has kept us from dealing with our own deep down doubts about God and the meaning of life. God longs for us to humble ourselves and to get so close to a group of fellow believers that we are willing to deal with these doubts. But if we would rather keep up our spititual reputation and false image, we will never deal with our own doubt and we can never help others deal with their doubts.
Embrace your questions and doubts! Take them to God and to a few trusted friends!
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
15 Reasons Why I Left the Church - Reason Five
Rachel Held Evans – Age 27 left the church – now 30
I left the church because I believe the earth is 4.5 billion years old and that humans share a common ancestor with apes, which I was told was incompatible with my faith.
How literally do we take the first chapter of Genesis has a huge impact on the church today. The joy of our theology is that we believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God and has no error concerning our salvation. In other words, everything we need to know about God's plan for us to have a connection with God and to be part of His Kingdom is completely spelled out in the Bible. Leaving the door open to the realization that there may be some translation issues - some interpretation issues - some symbolism - cultural influences - etc. that have impacted the Bible as we have it today. So the six days of creation do not have to be interpreted as literal six twenty four hours. The Bible was inspired by God and written by people whose personalities vary and whose perceptions of life vary.
For many who believe that the Bible is perfect/without error and must be completely interpreted as literal - there is no way to incorporate a 4.5 billion year old world. God created the world in 6 days and so the world is only thousands of years old. This is the only literal way to translate the Bible and the creation story. And if the Bible can't be taken literally in the creation story, well; you have to throw out the Bible completely.
For me the greater issue is to let God be God. Not a single one of us was there when God created this world. So let God be the creative and awesome God of all creation. If God wanted to create the world in six days and make it look like it took Him millions of years, who am I to say God couldn't do it that way. If God is not as limited to time as we are and he took millions of years to create and revealed it to man as these are the six time periods of development I used to create the world, who am I to say God couldn't do it that way.
To continue to reach this generation of young people we will have to expand our understanding in the areas of science and technology. They are well schooled and we will have to be more open minded to the complicated issues of the world than the church has been in the past. I try to read from the Christian 6 day creation side of the argument as well as 4.5 billion year old science side of the argument so I can be knowledgeable and have a intelligent discussion with people who have issues on both sides of the issue.
For me - the issue is not clear enough to take a stand that will turn people away from God on either side of the issue.
Monday, April 30, 2012
15 Reasons Why I Left the Church - Reason #4
Rachel Held Evans – 15 reasons I left the church – Age 27 left the
church – now 30
One of the worst feelings we experience is being out of balance. You know that feeling when you are high on a latter and somehow your weight shifts and your not sure whether to cling to the ladder or to the building. In the moment of panic you are not sure which is your best options.
I believe Rachel's reason #4 brings up two areas the church has this unique balancing act. They are decisions of balance that cause us to either hold on to the ladder or to the building. When we mess up the balance of these issues we will fall and crash to the ground.
The church sometimes feels like a cult because we get out of balance with our call to repentance. On the one hand we are called to influence the world with the power of the Good News. It is a Biblical and God call on our lives to call people to repent in order to find a connection with Jesus. But we can get so focused on repentance that we fail to allow the Holy Spirit to be the one that calls people to repentance. We recently had a para-church organization give a presentation at our church. I appreciate this group because of the work they do and that all donations go 100% to the cause. The presentation was normal until a final video clip was shown. The video used the story of a teenage tragedy to try and motivate us to give to the cause. For me it crossed the line from motivational to guilt pressuring people to give to the cause. Sometimes we are so passionate about the cause that we fail to see that we cross the lines of what our role is and what the role of the Holy Spirit. We tip towards the cult feel when we pressure and use too much guilt to get people to conform to our way of understanding God. In many churches there is a "believe it my way or no way" mentality.
Of course to balance that reality we must not become just a social group. A group of people with common interest who are all Facebook friends and church friends. We long for community and unity in the church so we promote the concept of fellowship. We all have the need in our life to be loved and accepted. So it is easy for church to only fill those needs in our lives and we come and go to every Sunday and the highlight of our day is talking to our good friend Joe/Jane about our last outing concerning our favorite hobby.
By the power of the Holy Spirit the church must be a place where God's Spirit has room and opportunity to convict people of sin - but not be a close minded society. By the power of the Holy Spirit we need unity with a great love for people outside the community.
Live in balance!
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
15 Reasons Why I Left the Church - Reason Three
Rachel Held Evans - Left the church at 27 - still gone at age 30
I left the church because my questions were seen as liabilities.
Faith - to be sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. Hebrews 11:1
Let us draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith - Hebrews 10:22
With our focus on assurance in the Bible it is easy to fear people who have questions. It is easy to develop an atmosphere that questions are really a lack of faith. The biggest problem with that is that we develop a culture of I must hide my real questions about God and the Bible. I must act only a certain way and may only ask certain questions. I must put on my smile at church and "fake it" like I have all the answers.
I believe that you can be certain of God and have great faith, but still have unanswered questions. That God gives us permission to have time to question, lament (nice Biblical term for complaining about my bad circumstances), and grieve like we are actually still humans. God is not afraid of our questions, so we can't be afraid of each other's questions. If God's ways are far beyond my ways than I will naturally have questions for God and His ways. Ultimately God will either answer my questions or give me a peace about my lack of understanding.
I believe unquestioning faith is shallow faith. As people question and wrestle with God, we find answers that help develop deep and grounded faith. If we are unwilling to spend the time to ask the difficult questions we may find our faith is lacking when we face the darkest days or the brightest days of our lives. Both the trials and blessing days will test your faith.
We need to make sure we never react in such a way as to communicate to others - "wow, that is a dumb question."
We need to learn to ask questions that will help people to open up and share their deep questions about God and life.
We need to be open about sharing our own questions about the Bible, God and the church.
I left the church because my questions were seen as liabilities.
Faith - to be sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. Hebrews 11:1
Let us draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith - Hebrews 10:22
With our focus on assurance in the Bible it is easy to fear people who have questions. It is easy to develop an atmosphere that questions are really a lack of faith. The biggest problem with that is that we develop a culture of I must hide my real questions about God and the Bible. I must act only a certain way and may only ask certain questions. I must put on my smile at church and "fake it" like I have all the answers.
I believe that you can be certain of God and have great faith, but still have unanswered questions. That God gives us permission to have time to question, lament (nice Biblical term for complaining about my bad circumstances), and grieve like we are actually still humans. God is not afraid of our questions, so we can't be afraid of each other's questions. If God's ways are far beyond my ways than I will naturally have questions for God and His ways. Ultimately God will either answer my questions or give me a peace about my lack of understanding.
I believe unquestioning faith is shallow faith. As people question and wrestle with God, we find answers that help develop deep and grounded faith. If we are unwilling to spend the time to ask the difficult questions we may find our faith is lacking when we face the darkest days or the brightest days of our lives. Both the trials and blessing days will test your faith.
We need to make sure we never react in such a way as to communicate to others - "wow, that is a dumb question."
We need to learn to ask questions that will help people to open up and share their deep questions about God and life.
We need to be open about sharing our own questions about the Bible, God and the church.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
15 Reasons Why I Left the Church - Reason Two
Rachel Held Evans - at age 27 she left the church - At age 30 she reflects on why she is still gone
2. I left the church because when we talked about sin, we mostly talked about sex.
In a sexual saturated society - it is easy to become too focused on the one issue that seems to stare us in the face so often - SEX. We have plenty of scriptures to back up that sexual immorality is a big deal... but it is definitely not the only issue the church needs to address. I believe sometimes the issue is so private and individualistic in our churches (not our culture) that it is easy for us to point our everyone else's issues that appear to be so much worse than our own. I think we are guilty of only talking about the bad things about sex and fail to talk about the good things about sex.
This is not an issue that is going away anytime soon. With the national average age of marriage rising into the late twenties, people in their sexual prime will have even more difficulties staying sexually pure. Not saying it is not possible, just saying it is much different than in the Biblical days. When the Bible was written there were many differences in the culture - young ladies were married in their teens. Also remember that the only way a Jewish man could commit adultery in those days was to have sexual relationships with a married woman besides his wife. So with men writing the rules for sexual immorality there were some loop holes.
Often we are tempted to think that our exposure to sexual material has greatly increased through the years. But if you do a little reading about the city of Corinth and their worship of the gods through celebrating the woman's body and sexual acts... we may not be so different after all.
Probably our biggest issue in the world of sex is our treatment of homosexuality. But I believe we will have to wait until Reason #15 for that discussion.
Any suggestions of how the church can keep of Biblical view of sex and yet deal with a generation that believes we focus too much on the issue?
Monday, March 26, 2012
15 Reasons Why I Left the Church - Reason One
Rachel Held Evans - Gives 15 reasons she left the church at age 27 -
Reason #1 I left the church because I’m better at planning Bible studies than baby showers...but they only wanted me to plan baby showers.
To the older generations: We have to provide opportunities for leadership positions for young people in the church. If we have a leadership position we need to take a young person under our wings and help them feel like they have a role and a spiritual impact on the church. We can't wait until they have it all figured out.
To the younger generations: You have to step up and lead or you will get bored. If the Kingdom of God is not God using your gifts and talents to impact the church and the world you won't ever be satisfied with the church.
The church has to get back to its spiritual roots. Too often we are about programs instead of creating a space for people to encounter the Living God. Too often we trust in our own abilities and in the leadership models of the world to run the church. Jesus Christ is the one and only head of the one true church. We follow Jesus leadership when we follow the winds of the Spirit of God. The youth of the our church will never be satisfied with church as normal, only church as empowered and controlled by the mysterious wind of the Holy Spirit. We have to learn to hear the Spirit's voice and follow the Spirit's lead. We have to live in expectation the the most powerful source known to man lives within us and longs to transform our lives, our communities and the world.
What do you think? How can we further address this issue as a church today?
Reason #1 I left the church because I’m better at planning Bible studies than baby showers...but they only wanted me to plan baby showers.
To the older generations: We have to provide opportunities for leadership positions for young people in the church. If we have a leadership position we need to take a young person under our wings and help them feel like they have a role and a spiritual impact on the church. We can't wait until they have it all figured out.
To the younger generations: You have to step up and lead or you will get bored. If the Kingdom of God is not God using your gifts and talents to impact the church and the world you won't ever be satisfied with the church.
The church has to get back to its spiritual roots. Too often we are about programs instead of creating a space for people to encounter the Living God. Too often we trust in our own abilities and in the leadership models of the world to run the church. Jesus Christ is the one and only head of the one true church. We follow Jesus leadership when we follow the winds of the Spirit of God. The youth of the our church will never be satisfied with church as normal, only church as empowered and controlled by the mysterious wind of the Holy Spirit. We have to learn to hear the Spirit's voice and follow the Spirit's lead. We have to live in expectation the the most powerful source known to man lives within us and longs to transform our lives, our communities and the world.
What do you think? How can we further address this issue as a church today?
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Confession Time
I had a difficult time preaching last Sunday. My heart was broken for a certain unspoken prayer request for a friend. It was on my list of things I prayed about during the 21 day fast. I was hoping and believing things would turn around. Hoping and believing that God was going to move like I wanted Him to move. But the situation has not changed and my heart is hurting because a friend is hurting.
I was rather frustrated and the sermon from Mark 5 - just touching the tassel of Jesus robe and there is healing. This seemed so harsh to me. Why do some receive healing and some remain to suffer? Why does it seem when some people reach out to God they seem to receive nothing? In my frustration of the situation I turned my frustration to God.
And God in His great compassion and patience with me - doesn't strike me down! "like I probably deserve for being so stubborn and accusing God of such indifference " Instead He sternly asks me, "Where were you when I formed the world?" "Do you really trust me that I am at work even when it looks like I am not?" That was all he needed to say, as I cried out for grace for my stubborn and untrustworthy heart. I am so grateful for a God who is willing to discipline me because He loves me.
Pray for me as I pray for you to learn obedience to the will of the Father and to trust Him with all our hearts.
I was rather frustrated and the sermon from Mark 5 - just touching the tassel of Jesus robe and there is healing. This seemed so harsh to me. Why do some receive healing and some remain to suffer? Why does it seem when some people reach out to God they seem to receive nothing? In my frustration of the situation I turned my frustration to God.
And God in His great compassion and patience with me - doesn't strike me down! "like I probably deserve for being so stubborn and accusing God of such indifference " Instead He sternly asks me, "Where were you when I formed the world?" "Do you really trust me that I am at work even when it looks like I am not?" That was all he needed to say, as I cried out for grace for my stubborn and untrustworthy heart. I am so grateful for a God who is willing to discipline me because He loves me.
Pray for me as I pray for you to learn obedience to the will of the Father and to trust Him with all our hearts.
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Lent Devotions
February 23, 2012 – Mark 1:9-15 – Day 2
Jesus went into the wilderness for forty days to fast and to pray. He did not go to be tempted, but while he was there he was tempted by Satan. Why do we spend forty days fasting and praying for Lent? Partly because it was Jesus’ example to fast and pray for forty days as he prepared for his ministry. Partly because it is a significant time to overcome something in our lives. If we give up a bad habit for forty days, it is very likely we can continue to give that up after Resurrection Sunday. During these next weeks you will be tempted in many ways. Tempted to cheat on our fast. Tempted to be too busy to pray. Tempted to put off doing the acts of service you have committed to. In many ways when you go to the wilderness for forty days you are asking for temptation. Expect it! Memorize 1 Corinthians 10:13: The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure.
Pray that God would help you to keep your promises to God this Lent season and that you would be able to fight the temptations that come. Remember, if you do stumble, it is okay to get back up and keep going.
Daily Lent Devotions are available on the "What is Happening Now" page of
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Lapis Lazuli
In Exodus 24 we read of Moses and the elders of Israel up on the mountain of God eating a covenant meal in the presence of God. It says that the earth below the presence of God was like lapis lazuli. A blue rock that is found in the Middle East. God's presence impact everything that comes close to Him. The ground underneath God was turned into a glowing blue rock. When we are in God's presence His presence will impact who we are and what we are about. His presence can make dirt look like a beautiful rock. His presence can make us look beautiful as well.
Monday, January 30, 2012
Red Tails
Watched the movie "Red Tails" this past weekend. It was entertaining and deeply moving. I, unlike another family member, did not even realize the movie was two hours long. It is a powerful story of the Tuskegee Airmen who were the first black fighter pilots for the United States military.
It reminded me of the prejudice in the world that still needs to be fought against. We may be better today as a culture, but there is still too much prejudice and discrimination. If we are not active parts of the solution, we are still part of the problem.
I was impressed the George Lucas was willing to fund the movie completely because he believed it was a story that needed to be told. I think about what it is in my life that I am willing to risk a great loss for in order to fight for a cause. What am I willing to put my time and energy towards to see change take place in my world or in my community?
It reminded me of the prejudice in the world that still needs to be fought against. We may be better today as a culture, but there is still too much prejudice and discrimination. If we are not active parts of the solution, we are still part of the problem.
I was impressed the George Lucas was willing to fund the movie completely because he believed it was a story that needed to be told. I think about what it is in my life that I am willing to risk a great loss for in order to fight for a cause. What am I willing to put my time and energy towards to see change take place in my world or in my community?
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Jesus' Third Temptation
Satan took Jesus to the top of a mountain and showed him the kingdoms of the world. He tempted Jesus to exchange God's plan for Jesus with Satan's simple plan. Satan said, "Worship me now and all this can be yours." Satan worships in our ears, "You don't need God, look at all the world has to offer. Truth is you want the house, car and sweet life more than you want to follow Jesus."
The way of Jesus is not always the most convenient way to live. To humble yourself by serving others. To deny yourself by fasting and prayer. To love your enemies instead of hating them. To give of yourself instead of just being selfish. All these ways of life that Jesus teaches are part of the good life Jesus offers, but the temptation is to see them only as worn out traditions. Old ways of thinking about faith. Truly we are still tempted to seek a different way to the Father.
The good news is that with the way of Christ comes the fellowship with Christ and the hope of Christ that can live in our hearts. All of God's promises are true to those who have faith and follow the way of Christ.
The way of Jesus is not always the most convenient way to live. To humble yourself by serving others. To deny yourself by fasting and prayer. To love your enemies instead of hating them. To give of yourself instead of just being selfish. All these ways of life that Jesus teaches are part of the good life Jesus offers, but the temptation is to see them only as worn out traditions. Old ways of thinking about faith. Truly we are still tempted to seek a different way to the Father.
The good news is that with the way of Christ comes the fellowship with Christ and the hope of Christ that can live in our hearts. All of God's promises are true to those who have faith and follow the way of Christ.
Monday, January 9, 2012
Jesus' Second Temptation While Fasting
Jesus is taken to the highest point of the Temple in Jerusalem where Satan tells him to jump. Doesn't seem to be much of a temptation to people who are afraid of heights or people who believe in gravity. However, Satan adds that surely the angels of the Lord will rescue Jesus if he is the Son of God. Prove you are who you say you are in your own time and in your own way. Jesus knew God's plan to reveal him as the Son of God was with the cross and the resurrection. Satan tempted Jesus to find his own way - dazzle the crowds with amazing acts like jumping off a building. Instead Jesus fed the hungry and healed the sick. When he walked on the water or calmed the seas, only his disciples were present.
When are we tempted to do things our own way instead of following God's plan for our lives? In faith we must step out to a place where God can rescue us, but how do we make sure we are still in God's plan? How do we know if we are putting God to the test with our own plan or putting God to the test to rescue us?
Learn from the example of how people in the Bible trusted God and tested God. Jesus knew the scriptures and was able to use that knowledge to combat the temptations of Satan. Learn from people who have a deep faith in God and talk to them about how they resolve this tension.
When are we tempted to do things our own way instead of following God's plan for our lives? In faith we must step out to a place where God can rescue us, but how do we make sure we are still in God's plan? How do we know if we are putting God to the test with our own plan or putting God to the test to rescue us?
Learn from the example of how people in the Bible trusted God and tested God. Jesus knew the scriptures and was able to use that knowledge to combat the temptations of Satan. Learn from people who have a deep faith in God and talk to them about how they resolve this tension.
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Temptations of Jesus - 1
Matthew's gospel tells of Jesus being tempted in the wilderness while Jesus was fasting. The first temptation was for Jesus to turn a stone into bread. You are the Son of God, why do you need to fast? You can simply turn rocks into food and everything will be comfortable. When I am fasting - I hear this temptation: "you can eat that and not tell anyone. No one will ever know if you cheat." Satan is always offering an easy way out of doing the hard things that God wants us to do.
Jesus temptation was for Satan to remind him he was really too important to be suffering. You are really too good for this type of humbling activity. Take the easy way out!
In our feel good about ourselves, I'm OK, culture - fasting and humbling ourselves at the feet of Jesus may not be natural or easy, but it is essential!
Jesus temptation was for Satan to remind him he was really too important to be suffering. You are really too good for this type of humbling activity. Take the easy way out!
In our feel good about ourselves, I'm OK, culture - fasting and humbling ourselves at the feet of Jesus may not be natural or easy, but it is essential!
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Blessing of the Father
I am always amazed at myself and my desire to receive approval from my dad. There is just this incredible drawing to hear his words of approval. I can remember as a teenage my dad was always getting after me to get a job. "Dale, did you look for a job today?" seemed like the only words I heard one summer. To my dad's credit, he may have only said it 2-3 times and it just echoed in my mind that if I was a good son I would have a job. But my dad instilled in me a work ethic and I have not had a problem finding a job ever since that summer. I can remember the word of my dad's criticisms and his words of pride! They are etched deep within my soul. I long to be a father how gives his kids words of blessing and words of challenge. I long to live a life that my kids would know I lived what I was telling them to live.
I want to learn to desire the blessing of God just like I long for the blessing of my dad. That God's words spoken to me would be etched in my heart forever. That God's approval would be my greatest joy. That God's words of challenge would motivate me like nothing else in this world. I know God is asking for me to seek his blessings as a priority in my life!
I want to learn to desire the blessing of God just like I long for the blessing of my dad. That God's words spoken to me would be etched in my heart forever. That God's approval would be my greatest joy. That God's words of challenge would motivate me like nothing else in this world. I know God is asking for me to seek his blessings as a priority in my life!
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The Generous Grace of God
Ultimately, the parable of the prodigal son teaches us about "the generosity of God's grace." This kind of grace often challen...

It didn't take long for the enemy to attach me and put my sermon to the test from this past Sunday. The message was based on 1 Peter 5;7...
There have definitely been times in my life when I believed I was something special. I was full of pride and I knew I was gifted, talented,...
1 Thessalonians 5:18 give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. James 5:7-9 Be patient, then, b...